Water evaporation can be a common problem for pool owners. It’s a natural process that can be accelerated by  high temperatures, wind, and low humidity.  The end result? Significant water loss that requires regular and costly top ups. But did you know that a swimming pool cover is actually a simple solution to this problem?

Swimming pool coverings operate as a physical barrier between the pool water and the environment, lowering evaporation significantly. But how exactly do they accomplish it, and what kinds of coverings work best? Let us look deeper into this.

  • Solar Blankets: Solar blankets are a great option for the summer months. These covers float on the water’s surface, acting as an evaporation barrier. They use the sun’s rays to heat the pool, but their main purpose is to control evaporation. Solar blankets, in fact, can minimise water evaporation by up to 95% when installed and implemented correctly.
  • Thermal Covers: A thermal cover is still another possible alternative. While they do not capture sunlight, they give twice the insulation of a solar blanket. This makes them very useful in reducing evaporation, particularly in indoor and outdoor pools where radiation cooling is an ongoing concern.
  • Leaf & Debris Covers / Mesh Pool Covers: These are intended to keep out leaves and debris, but they also help to reduce evaporation. They act as a barrier between the pool water and the surrounding environment, slowing the evaporation process but not quite as effectively as other methods. 
  • Winter Shutdown Covers: These covers are an excellent choice for a complete winter pool cover solution. These covers keep leaves and debris out of your pool and keep evaporation to a minimum during the non-swimming season.

While the emphasis here is on water evaporation, it’s worth noting that pool coverings provide a lot of other advantages. They keep leaves, dirt, and debris out of your pool, reducing the strain on your filtration system and maintaining the hygienic conditions of your pool water. They can also help you save money by using less water, chemicals and heating to maintain your pool.

Any pool owner would be wise to invest in a swimming pool cover. It not only reduces water evaporation significantly, but it also provides a variety of other benefits that can save you time, money, and effort in pool upkeep. So, if you’re tired of constantly having to replenish your pool, think about getting a pool cover. It might be the answer you’ve been waiting for.